What Our Students Are Saying

  • Dr.R.Woolfson

    I wanted to pass the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Motorcycle Test, but after numerous observed rides with my local IAM motorbike club, I just wasn’t improving the way I had hoped. Don’t get me wrong - those club trainers are great, the best of the best, yet I kept making the same mistakes and showing the same weaknesses in my riding no matter how many times I went out with them. My confidence flagged and I considered throwing in the towel.

    But then I got in touch with Motorcycle Buddies, and that’s when everything changed. I began a short course of individual all-day riding lessons with Gregory, who remained my instructor from then until my test day. He is an inspirational teacher, with endless patience (and believe me, with me as a pupil, he needed it), and limitless practical advice about high-level safe-riding techniques. Although he has a thorough knowledge of the expectations and demands of the advanced test, he does not simply teach how to pass the test - instead, he teaches how to ride safely as an advanced rider, which means he focuses on improving all-round safe-riding skills, rather than on meeting the minimum requirements needed for a positive test result. Of course, our lessons didn't always go to plan, and a couple of times I almost gave up, but each time Gregory gave me the confidence to continue with the learning process.

    Last week, I passed the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Motorcycle Test. The examiner commented that I had provided a “good, solid, safe ride.” I am delighted with this achievement, and I know I could not have reached this level of riding without that help from Gregory and his colleagues at Motorcycle Buddies. (Before my IAM test, they also took me on two “mock” tests to confirm I had the appropriate skill level.) It’s not just about passing the advanced test, although I am well-chuffed about that. It’s about having the confidence to know that I am now a much safer rider than I was when I first started my tuition with the Motorcycle Buddies team.

    So would I recommend Gregory and Motorcycle Buddies for any rider who wants to improve their safe-riding skills? Does a duck with one leg swim in a circle?

  • D. Ellis

    Well, what can I say other than utterly brilliant!

    After over 40 years of riding motorcycles, I thought I knew what I was doing and then along came Motorcycle Buddies who showed me how to really ride a motorcycle the right way!

    The quality of the training, advice, practical demonstrations and two-way feedback were all amazingly well received and provided excellent food for thought going forward to the next session.

    When you watch an expert riding a motorcycle and making it look as though it is second nature and effortless it will drive you to want to do the same and this highlights the quality of the training Motorcycle Buddies are able to offer.

    Motorcycle buddies isn’t a ‘follow me and do as I do training experience, you as the rider are the focus and the training is geared as such, it is not a one size fits all approach but is tailored to the individual and this is what makes Motorcycle Buddies.

    So unique. Every training ride felt like a new learning adventure and I left each session knowing I was a better rider putting into practice the lessons I had just learnt.

    At the same time as undertaking the Motorcycle Buddies training, I was also in the process of undergoing training for my IAM test with my local IAM group. The IAM observers were fantastic and taught me so, so much and ultimately this lead to a successful IAM test pass, however, undertaking the Motorcycle Buddies course in parallel, without doubt, helped me to achieve the IAM pass due to its more in-depth training over a much longer period.

  • R. McMurdie

    Greg was initially my Observer. When I met him, I could hardly ride in a straight after returning to motorcycling aged 65. Thanks to his tuition I eventually gained my green badge.

    I can thoroughly recommends his company Motorcycle Buddies and is excellent value for money for advanced training.

    Since acquiring my green badge, I gained a RoSPA advanced qualification, and have completed an advanced slow riding course with Essex Fire Service. I am currently a blood biker with SERV Herts & Beds. All of this was only possible because of the training I received from Greg.


I have ridden with Gregory before so he was aware of the "demons that sit on my shoulders". Timely contact was made before the session to deal with pre-ride administration, safety etc. We met at the meet point and had a concise 15 minute brief to pin point exactly what needed to be worked on, what I wanted to work on and how we were going to achieve if over the course of the day - we then set off! I implemented the new techniques in the first session which completely took me out of my comfort zone but I could see and feel the benefits working and how it was improving cornering speed safely whilst maintaining flow - just wasn't able to consistently transfer it from mind to wheels! We had a break and Gregory discussed in detail what to work on. Next section of the day - awesome! Confident cornering, accurate lines and much more consistent entry/exit speeds. That was job done for me. However during lunch we discussed further refinement on building the new technique into existing skills (I already have IAM bike and car IAM FIRST/RoSPA Gold) to embellish the overall quality of ride. Afternoon session felt like the best ride I've done since starting riding in 2018 and the grin which just wouldn't go said it all. We covered c120 miles over the course of the day which were high quality, finely tuned, educational and most importantly thoroughly enjoyable. Highly recommended whatever level you're at, there is always something to learn and I hope you too are smiling all the way home like I was.