Terms and Conditions.

We reserve the right to decline a booking or cancel a session

  • If we are unable to offer you what you are looking for, we will be happy to direct you to someone who can

  • We reserve the right to cancel or postpone any session due to adverse weather conditions, mechanical failure, illness or any other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. In such circumstances we will either offer you an alternative date or refund your fees in full.

Payments and Refunds

  • Full payments is required where a session is booked and due to start within 28 days

  • We require a deposit to secure your date and session for booking made more than one month in advanced

  • Deposits are non-refundable

  • Any outstanding balance must be paid within 14 days prior to the commencement of your session

  • Deposit and payment details will be conveyed in your "Session Information Notice which you receive once a session date has been agreed

If you wish to cancel

  • We appreciate that things happen that may require you to cancel

  • Notice to cancel must be submitted in writing and are only valid when you have received a written acknowledgment of your cancellation from us.

  • We respectfully ask that you inform us as soon as reasonably possible; at a minimum 48 hours prior to the start time of your session

  • We are unable to offer any credit where a cancelation is made in less than 48hours of the start time of your session

  • We will work with you to make reasonable, alternative arrangements

  • We will offer you credit for an alternative day where no other suitable arrangements can be found

Your Safety

Your coach / buddy wants you to have fun. We insist on it! Your buddy, sadly, will not be able to conduct the session if:

  • You are not adequately dressed

  • Your UK driving licence is invalid

  • You have no motor insurance

  • Your machine is not roadworthy

  • Under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  • Not safe on the road

  • Please inform us of any medical conditions

    Please note

    No credit will be offered under the above circumstances


  • Motorcycling is dangerous. Your buddy will make every effort to ensure your safety during a session

  • You are responsible for your bike and the consequences of your actions. As such you are not required to follow any instructions or directions that you do not feel safe or comfortable to do so

  • Motorcycle buddies are not liable to you for any expenses, loss, damage, personal injury or death as a result of any accident that may occur


We are always keen to know what we do well and where we can do better. Should you feel you need to express a concern please let us know either by speaking to your buddy or emailing us.

Please inform us of any medical conditions

Please inform us of any medical conditions