Driving passion and progress
“Riders Aids - Use Don’t Abuse”

By Geoff Pretty

How many rider aids can you name?

Here are a few to be going on with:- ABS, Traction Control, Anti-Wheelie, Rain Mode.

The big thing to remember is that these are there to save you when things are about to go horribly wrong - NOT to be tested at every opportunity. This is what happens during a race and, if something fails, the rider will end up hitting an airbag and will usually walk away reasonably unscathed. On the road, however, there are too many unpleasant things to hit!

Sylvain Guintoli: World Superbike champion, MOTO GP racer and development rider and now MOTO GP pundit used the following regime.

If it was wet in the run up to a race he would start the week with all the electronics turned up to maximum. Then, during practice and qualifying, he would gradually turn them down until they were all off on race day. By doing this the amount of grip and traction available to him were in his head - this is what you should be aiming for.

You can’t ask a motorcycle to go around a bend at a speed that defies the laws of physics, then hope it will somehow rescue you.

Don’t tempt fate; after all, if the ABS cuts in every time you stop at traffic lights you’re not planning ahead and, most importantly, you are risking too much.

Please - ride safe!